News Update, February 2025: Microdosing psychedelics was a single chapter in The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, but now, 14 years later, Jim Fadiman along with co-author Jordan Gruber have completed their book, Microdosing for Health, Healing, and Enhanced Performance. With the help of participatory citizen scientists worldwide, and scientists now increasingly turning their attention to microdosing, we have learned a great deal since Explorer’s Guide came out. For updates, new research, and other microdosing information, please go to Thank you for your continued interest.

“Jim Fadiman’s manual offers helpful and well-informed guidance for those who seek ‘the divine within’ through sacred plants and psychedelic substances.”
                Daniel Pinchbeck, author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl and Breaking Open the Head

“This is some of the most thoughtful, wise, heartfelt, and essential instruction for the use of sacred medicine.”

                 Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart

The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide Book Cover by Dr. James Fadiman Safe Therapeutic Sacred Journeys